Motion Design
This webpage showcases a diverse collection of motion design projects that encompass various styles and techniques. These projects include experimentation with shapes, creation of network ads, video production for clients, as well as personal projects. Motion design is a skill that I continually strive to improve, and I thoroughly enjoy working on specific projects that fall within this realm.
Rebranding for National Geographic through just emphasizing on just Nat Geo and the idea to go further and step out of the comfort zone. Explore the world with the channel.
This digital poster is a promotion for a Design conference on the Future of Packaging. The poster is a print with the necessary details for the conference with a QR code and once people scan it, the magic of AR on that poster begins through people's phone screens.

'Grateful' campaign was created for our agents to share on their social media pages thanking their clients and showing them how grateful they are for their business.